Carson: 21 Months

A little delayed in getting this wrote, but better late than never! This past Sunday Mr C turned 21 months! He spent his final week of 20 months visiting family in Texas and he did so great! I couldn't believe how fast he warmed up to everyone. This was also the first time he had his own seat on the airplane and boy am I glad we decided to do that. Here's some pictures of our trip...

Arrived at the airport with some big news for Grammy and Grandpa

Playing in Mawmaw and Pawpaw's big backyard

All boys love rocks, sticks and dirt!

Fun with bubbles

Holding a Dallas Cowboys game ball

In the suites at AT&T Stadium

Walking through the tunnel the same way the Cowboy's players do before games

Touring AT&T Stadium with mommy

Working on his golf skills

Visiting the donkey and horse with Grammy, Grandpa and Pawpaw

Playing the piano for Aunt Jackie

Helping Mawmaw push her walker

"Ride a little horsey" with Grandpa

Snuggles for Mawmaw and Pawpaw

Now what has Mr C been up to. He is getting much closer to talking and he babbles all the time. You can tell he thinks he is carrying on a conversation and that everyone understands him. But on the opposite end of that, he does know what he wants and he's getting very frustrated when you don't give him the right thing. It's annoying to us because he just points and makes an "eh" sound, so it takes a few tries to finally get it right. And speaking of not getting what he wants, we learned how to throw temper tantrums recently. So much fun for mommy and daddy. But I'm slowly getting to where I understand his "eh" and we are also figuring out how to "reason with a toddler" to help him calm down. We started working on colors recently and he will repeat blue and yellow pretty clearly. In Texas I swear I heard him say grandpa a few times. Still not much of a meat lover but is a pretty well-rounded eater beyond that. He's a growing boy and is wearing 2T or 3T shirts and just now getting a good fit in 2T pants. He wears a 7 shoe and I found a scale where he topped out at 29lbs.

Carson is a wild, crazy boy who is non-stop all day long but he is a sweetheart. He loves to share and happily claps and smiles when he passes a toy along. He LOVES the outdoors and I be he wishes he could sleep in a tent so he's outside all the time. He is getting much more comfortable with Snyder, but Snyder still likes to keep his distance when he can. Mommy and daddy love you Mr C, even though we need to work on our patience when you push our buttons!!

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