'lil monkey 16 weeks

Time for another update of our lil monkey! I think I have a bit more of a belly this time around, which isn't anything unusual. At least in this house I have lots of mirrors to watch it grow over the next few months. Not much is new or exciting for this update. Our 16 week appointment isn't until next week, and I think I went through another sinus infection :( I'm definitely ready for this winter to be over. Well I guess there is one exciting thing to report...we got our announcement pictures back! Still can't "share with the world yet" but they are fun for me to look at over and over until then!! Here's a few for you to enjoy...

How Far Along: 16 weeks
Best Moment This Week: Getting our announcement pictures
Have You Told Family and Friends: We broke down and told Reid's mom and sisters. So all that's left is my family (coming mid February) and Facebook, lol
Miss Anything: A cold cut sandwich
Movement: Too soon, although I could have sworn I felt something about a week ago in the middle of the night
Food Cravings: Still on the lemon/lime and smoothies
Anything Make You Sick/Queasy: Better with the queasiness but salmon and chili are still the two things that sound completely unappetizing
Gender Prediction: Since this is labeled "prediction" I guess I better admit I think this one is a girl
Looking Forward To: My trip to Texas to surprise my parents with the news, and shortly after that the gender reveal!
Fun Fact of the Month: Trying to teach Carson to say "baby" and show him where baby is
Comparison to Carson:http://reidntara.blogspot.com/2012/12/baby-j-16-weeks.html

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