Carson: 17 Months

Oh Carson where to begin this month! You love to talk to anyone and everyone who will listen to you and we are awaiting the day where it all makes sense. You still don't really say words, although I'm pretty sure you say "hi dad" whenever you first see daddy. We are working on that though and got you to say "ball" the other day. But the best moment this month was when you learned the K-S-U chant. We sure do hope you grow up to be a Wildcat! You love to make/mimic noises and it makes daddy and I laugh! You make us laugh quite a bit these days with your silliness. But on the opposite spectrum of being silly you are starting to throw some great toddler temper-tantrums. Fun fun!! You can use a fork and spoon at meals, but of course fingers still work the best! You are going on a protein strike and don't like to eat meat or beans, but lately "sauce" seems to be the answer and you like to dip your meat in ketchup or BBQ sauce which helps you to eat some. At least you love eating vegetables! You love the outdoors and are having so much fun with all the leaves. It's a good thing Denver has been having such nice weather so we can play outside more.

Camping in Aspen 
Hiking in Vail

Playing in the sprinkler at the end of Sept

Looking so grown-up

Fun at the field 
Rocking my cute Halloween shirt

Just because I'm cute!

Going down the big slide at Treehouse

Playing in his first pile of leaves

Happy about his accomplishment of walking on the wood beam

My new hat!

This month you started demanding much more attention for mommy and it became very difficult to work with you around. So we decided to enroll you in daycare. You cry every time someone drops you off, but all the teachers say you are the happiest kid when we pick you up so we know you are having lots of fun. We love you so much and we are ready for another fun month to see what you'll be up to next.

First day of daycare

Riding the bikes at recess

Finally letting mommy set you down when we leave daycare

I love you!

P.S. If you'd like to tell mommy where you "hid" her wedding ring (yes RING, not the band) she would really appreciate it. Thanks kiddo!

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