Carson is TWO!!

Ladies and Gentlemen we have a TWO YEAR OLD!! I can't believe this day is here and I do not know where time is going. Carson is developing more and more of a personality as the days go on. We are in full fledge toddler stage and while it's exciting to see him learning so much and taking everything in, it is also very tiring dealing with his attitude and temper tantrums. He knows what he wants but can't quite express it and it leads to lots and lots of tantrums. Carson loves to throw himself on the floor and make a stiff body while screaming at the top of his lungs. And this kid has some big lungs!! Carson still doesn't talk much on his own but he is good at repeating what you say. We are focusing on making him "use his words" instead of pointing followed by the "eh" sound which is driving me CRAZY! Definitely no sentences but I'm sure the day will be here before we know it. His biggest accomplishment is knowing his numbers 1-10! I guess letting him watch his favorite Scout and Friends Numberland video has paid off, lol.

Carson is a boy through and through and loves finding sticks and rocks to throw in puddles. He prefers to be outside and LOVES the water. I think he is going to have lots of fun this summer. He isn't wanting to be held as much which is good as my belly grows! He knows his brother is in mommy's belly (sometimes he even lifts his own shirt up) but I don't think he has any idea beyond that. He is doing great at daycare and hardly cries when we drop him off. One day he even ran straight to the teacher and gave her a hug. We are struggling with his big boy bed and he seems to want to sleep on the floor instead. We are also having trouble figuring out when to put him down because he takes an hour (sometimes more) at bed time. I was hoping it's a phase, and it still might be, but it's been going on longer than any other phase he's been through. So who knows?! Speaking of phases, we went through the "let's take our poopy diaper off phase before mommy and daddy get me in the morning, " which was oh so fun! HA :(

Carson's first role as a two year old was being a ring bearer at his Uncle B's wedding. Even though I was stressed to the max at how he would do, he ended up doing great despite having to walk down the aisle with a cup of cheerios. But everyone said he was darling and he made it down all by himself! Since we were back in Kansas for the wedding, I also decided to have a Little Blue Truck birthday party which turned out great. We were able to celebrate with family and friends that we don't get to see as often as we'd like. Happy 2nd Birthday little dude. You keep us on our toes, but we love you very much!!

Someone decided to take their diaper off while trying to go to sleep. Daddy to the rescue!
Walking around Ken Caryl
The handsome ring bearer
White tie and all!
Ring bearer needs fuel to get down the aisle
Family photo from the wedding
Run-away ring bearer
With Grammy and Nonni at the reception

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