Carson: Three

The first thoughts I have about having a three year old is all the talk of {threenagers}. And honestly I think to myself how can get it worse that what we just went through with two!

For your birthday you requested Mickey Mouse and we also had a party with your friend Logan where we went hiking. You loved (and didn't want to share) the balloons and got a little crabby at the end. I guess it was your party so you could cry if you wanted to. Mommy got you lots of Mickey Mouse goodies but your big gift was a balance bike and new hiking shoes. Overall we had lots of fun and you loved all the cake and cupcakes you got to have!

You have made huge improvements since two and a half. Your speech did a 180 in what seemed like overnight and it's just getting better and better every day. The therapist said she wouldn't classify you as being at the same level as your peers, but she didn't think you'd be able to qualify for therapy anymore. You temper tantrums are no where near as extreme as they used to be, but you still have your fair share of fits and whiny moments.

We've participated in a few group activities recently and you don't seem to enjoy it. You are much more outgoing when it's just your family or only one or two friends around. Some things you really enjoy are being outside, going hiking (especially to waterfalls), Mickey Mouse and books/songs at bedtime. I think you are going to be the tattle-tale big brother, but I've also caught you treating Cooper like your friend on numerous occasions lately.

We started potty training about 3 weeks ago and you are doing FANTASTIC! You are very independent at using the potty at home and are very aware of when you need to go. Your newest thing you've learned to do is make numbers with your fingers. You've also mastered telling people your birthday is May 22 and that you will be 3 :) You are picking up on things so quickly, which shocked mommy when you pretty much read an entire book last night!

You are a boy through and through and seem to have endless energy! While you can drive mommy and daddy absolutely crazy, it's those sweet enduring moments you have with your brother or with us that makes being your mom and dad completely worth it! We love you Carson and Happy Birthday!

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