Carson: 4 Weeks

One month old

I can't believe that Carson is one month old today!?! We weighed him yesterday (on our home scale) and he has hit the 11lbs mark. He is a growing boy and I just love him to pieces!!

Carson's first month has been a whirlwind of emotions. From the first weeks where I felt overwhelmed to now where I enjoy hearing the new sounds he makes and seeing him explore more things, I'm finally starting to adjust to life with a baby. My favorite thing so far about him is all his goofy faces he makes. I feel so lucky to smile and make funny faces with him everyday.

My maternity leave is quickly coming to an end which is sad. The first few weeks seemed to drag on and I was going stir crazy, but now that I have just 2 weeks left, it feels like time flew and I don't want this leave to end. I think I'm most nervous about adjusting to watching after a baby and working all-in-one. I know somehow it will all work out.

Happy one month of life Carson Joseph. It seems like you've been with us so much longer. Despite your numerous poopy diapers, Papa and I love you and can't wait to see what the next month has to offer. I'll leave you with some more newborn pictures from Erin Jachimiak Photography. Enjoy!!

Big yawns

Hopefully a future Wildcat!


Best buds

Settling In With Carson

So after following my own advice we survived the first week with a newborn. The next week we were more settled, got a bit more sleep, and slowly started figuring out Carson's quirks and noises. He is quite the growing boy as well. We left the hospital weighing 8lbs, checked in at 8lbs 7oz at our one week appointment and a whopping 9lbs 1oz at our two week newborn screening. So glad I have a healthy, growing baby boy.

We had more visitors which were gladly welcomed for more sleep time and advice on taking care of a newborn. Thanks to you all!!

We still don't do well in the crib at night but now takes naps there thanks to Auntie Lauren!! She is the swaddle master and sleep whisperer. It's too bad she lives so far away.

Reid and I are adapting better and better each day but we both know we still have a long ways to go until we are feeling good and comfortable (if we ever even get there). But in the mean time we are enjoying Carson, trying not to forget about Snyder and settling in to life as a family of three.

Two weeks old
Three weeks old

My First Week

Well we are finally home! Reid and I were ready to leave the hospital. Sure it was nice knowing that someone was there if we needed them, but we were going stir crazy just sitting in hospital beds all day long. We were ready to get in to our own routine in our own we missed Snyder!

Reid had always made fun of those "baby on board stickers" but on our drive home I think he had a new take on them. We were driving so slow and cautious that he thought the sticker would be helpful to let other people know why he was driving so slow! I still don't think he would put one on his car if he had one.

But we made it home and instantly thought, well now what! Lol!! Reid went and got Snyder and he took to Carson pretty well. He would give a curious head nod when Carson cried (like a, what is that noise) and of course he just wanted to lick him. But as the weeks have gone on, Reid and I have noticed quite a change and he will lay by Carson with no problems and even follow whoever is pushing Carson on a walk. Can't wait to see them play together.

Bath time!! The nurse at the hospital made it look so easy so we were hoping for the same. Things went pretty smoothly, aside from him sliding down the seat we had. He didn't really fuss and loved having the water dumped on his head. Warmed him right up!! After his sponge bath, we wrapped him up in his shark towel. Cutest shark I've ever seen :)

For the most part, and my parents confirmed, Carson is a pretty chill baby. He isn't overly fussy and only so when he wants something. He did not take to the crib very well (or apparently we did not master the swaddling technique yet) so I spent the first few nights up on the couch with him. He seemed to only sleep well laying on his newborn lounger with me right by his side. At least my parents were there to let me take some naps during the day!! But aside from the sleepiness, he is worth every tired moment I have. He makes so many goofy faces and I love learning new things about him everyday. One other thing we've noticed is he loves looking at the ceiling fans. I think we might have another engineer to add to the family!

Carson wrapped up his first week with his cord stump falling off! It was hanging on by fine threads and I was freaking out (with the heebie geebies) so I woke my mom up in the middle of the night to make sure this was normal, haha. I didn't think it would happen so quick.

My advice I learned in weeks to come about surviving the first week with a newborn is to LET YOUR BABY BE A NEWBORN! I'm not sure why, but Reid and I tried to put Carson in some sort of routine and get him to take to things (like sleeping in his crib) and became overly stressed and frustrated when things weren't going OUR way. So lesson learned, right now it's CARSON'S way!

Hmm..what are my thoughts on being one week old?

He's Finally Here!

I can't believe we can say that our little guy is finally here!! It seemed like the last few weeks dragged, but now that he's here, it's like we've always had him.

On Tuesday, May 21st I went to the doctor for my 39 week check-up. At this appointment, the doc did a cervical check on me and said I was already 4cm dilated. With this news, all I could do was hope that Carson was ready to come any day now. Work the remainder of the day was difficult. So much so that I let my bosses know that this day was going to be my final day of working. I must have had an intuition of what was to come...

Wednesday, May 22nd I woke up around 5am with some cramping. After laying in bed for a bit, I noticed that they had somewhat of a pattern to them. I started to time them, on the off chance "today was the day" and sure enough they were coming in waves 6-7min apart and lasting about 1min each. I woke Reid up and we decided to shower and get our things together on the off chance we would be heading to the hospital. We started to re-time again about 8:00am. Now these cramps were 3-4min apart, still lasting about a minute each. So at 8:30am we called the doctor and walked out the door to take Snyder to boarding.

On our way to dropping Snyder off, the doctor returned my call and asked if I could come in to the office to be hooked up on a monitor to make sure I was having "real" contractions. At this point, the pain had picked up but I was still managing well with nice deep breaths. In the waiting room of the doctor's office, I began to kneel over a chair and have Reid rub my back. Things were starting to pick up. I wasn't hooked up on the monitor for long before it was determined I was in labor! After another cervical check that indicated I was 6cm, we headed to the hospital. It was at this point before getting into the car that I broke dwn in tears. I was nervous, excited, anxious, scared, happy, relieved, pretty much name an emotion and it was probably going through my mind. We called our parents on the drive over to let them know they would have a new grandson very soon :)

We checked into the hospital about 10:30am. Reid and I had discussed and raead books prior to try and have a natural child birth. We both thought it would be best for a better labor and recovery. Well I only made it 2 hours in the delivery room before I was asking for the magical medicine. It just seemed nothing I was doing was giving me any sort of relief. Or maybe it was my body preparing me for what was to come.

5:30pm rolled around and I was given the go-ahead to start pushing. The doctor and nurses were all shocked at how low the baby was sitting, that they were certain I would have a shorter pushing period. Well a long, hot and miserable 2+ hours later, Carson Joseph Jennings was born at 7:51pm. What a blessing to hear those cries!

Meeting my lil boy for the first time
Born May 22, 2013 at 7:51pm. 8lbs 6.3oz, Carson Joseph Jennings is perfect

Carson loved holding Reid's finger

Our family of three

We finally were checked in to our recovery room about 11:00pm and eventually got settled and to sleep about 1:00am. I don't remember much as I was groggy, tired and exhausted from labor. But the next morning I woke up refreshed and was finally able to take in that WE HAVE A BABY!! This day was filled with doctors, nurses and hospital staff popping in and out for various reasons. We even had a photography service stop in to take some pictures. After seeing how they turned out, I couldn't pass up but purchasing the prints.

Pictures from Bella Baby Photography

Pictures from Bella Baby Photography
The day ended with some family from Ft Collins coming down to meet Carson! It was only fitting that Aunt Sharon see Carson first as she was the first to see my engagement ring after Reid proposed. This day, May 23rd, also happened to be our 4-year-anniversary and I have to say this is an anniversary we will never forget. I'm just glad Carson has his own day to celebrate :)

Friday, May 24th we checked out of the hospital and headed home to tackle life on our own! Thank goodness my parents were coming in town that night to lend a helping hand...

(to be continued)