Mommy & Carson's Weekend Get Away

I'm a little late on our 10 month post because Carson celebrated it while we were in Chicago, so I'll get to that in a bit. Last weekend I braved the flight by myself with little guy so we could go shower Baby O who will be here very soon! So here is how my flight went... I first booked the flights to coincide with when my sister-in-law was getting in and leaving. It also happened to fall right about the time we normally take naps, so I thought there was some hope. Our first flight I had a window seat. I wasn't sure how that was going to work with Mr. Squirmy. The guy "stuck" next to me was very nice. When I first sat down he asked who the little guy was! He somehow even managed to take a nap on the flight :) Thankfully he was amused by the window and kept banging on it for a while. I think my main problem with this flight was trying to force a nap. He has never been a great napper anyways as he loves to just squirm himself down. So naturally as I try to get him calm for a nap, he is a screaming maniac. Also the stinker, in between his "fits" would stop and smile at the guy next to me. "See I'm a cute monster!" But after what felt like an hour of fighting him, he finally napped for me!

Now time for a weekend filled with Nonni and aunties (and Uncle Mark). Saturday we drove to Granger, IN for Lauren's baby shower. Carson did so good at the restaurant (better than I could have ever imagined)! He also did pretty good sleeping in a strange place. Probably because the pack n play was tall enough he couldn't throw binkies over the sides, haha! He even got to work on his piano skills.

The flight home went much better than the first one. Unfortunately I woke up Saturday not feeling well, so I was not anticipating dealing with this guys craziness on the plane while feeling under the weather. But my plan for this flight was to not fight him and let him be (and hope he wears himself out soo much that he drifts off). Well that sorta worked. He was all over the place, well as much as you can be while confined in an airplane seat. Climbing up me pulling my air, messing up my hair, bouncing up and down, sitting and playing drums on the arm rest, dropping binkies on the floor and toys on the floor, playing drums on the seat back tray, petting the ladies jeans who was sitting next to us, climbing up me to peer to the seats behind us. While I was exhausted from him, he sure was charming everyone else on the plane! And just as he was getting restless, fussy, again and I was crossing my fingers he would fall asleep, he did not :( I think it was because he had a small dirty diaper (which I couldn't smell from my nose being stuffy). So that got changed about 40m before landing. Then 30m before landing I decided to give him his afternoon bottle since our plane had been delayed and I didn't want to wait around the Denver airport to feed him. Well that magic bottle put him right to sleep! Finally some peace!!

When we finally made it home, Reid had the house all clean, dinner made and said he got about 8hrs of work in over the weekend. He then gave me permission to travel for a day and a half every other weekend. Guess he loved how "easy" it was to clean and get things done without a crazy baby making a mess everywhere and needing your constant eye so he doesn't fall down the stairs (yes that happened before we left!)

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