Poor Guy

I had my first "I'm so sorry I can't help you" moment last night with little man. It all started with me being beyond frustrated that he wouldn't go to sleep (see that playful face above). Reid took over a feeding and rocking duty and this kid still would not go down. So it became my turn again. I decided to change his diaper (since we were on an hour now of trying to get to sleep) so he'd have a nice clean diaper for the night. When I took the diaper off, the poor kid had the worst rash I had ever seen!! It was so bad he was in extreme discomfort and there was nothing I could do to help those cries. Saddest mommy moment to date. We let it "air out" a bit and even got pee'd on in the process :( but at this point I didn't care. I wanted my little guy to not be in such discomfort. So we sat him in a warm bath while I called an on-call nurse line just to make sure it wasn't something serious. I didn't know a rash could spring so quickly! Thankfully he fell asleep for the night and it was already looking better by the morning. I've been caking the diaper cream on and it's doing even better. Whew, glad that's over!

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