Mommy's Little Roller

Well it seems I may have wrote Carson's three month post a few days too soon because he already has new things to report! On Monday I was picking up his room and he was watching his teddies in the crib. I look over to check on him and the stinker is laying on his stomach!! I couldn't believe that he rolled over! I ran down to get my phone and when I came back up he was on his stomach again!! So I finally was able to capture the third time :) I was completely suprised and amazed he picked this up so soon, but that quickly subsided when it came time for bed. He's never been a good sleeper without his pillow, but now with the rolling I felt it would be much safer to remove. The instant I would put him down, he would wake up a bit and roll right over. This meant tummy sleeping almost all night long and no sleep for mommy. I was a worried mess to say the least. But he did fine and survived the night with a couple more wake-ups and a lot more stirs than we are use to.

I think we have a tummy sleeper

We also ventured out to Wash Park in Denver to take some 3-month pictures. I think they turned out pretty good for taking myself. I love this little guy so much and his face is just precious to me (as it should be!)

Pictures by the "lake" in Wash Park
Purple flowers for my purple K-State shirt
Momma and Carson by the lake

 I'll leave you with one more cute video of Carson. We were hanging out downstairs while Reid was working out and Carson was movin' and groovin' to the music (so we like to think).

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