Out With The Old And In With The New

Reid and I both had a crazy/stressful week. Reid had to frantically find time to work on a 50% design development submittal for his senior project due Wednesday and I was just having "one of those weeks" at work. The company that bought us out asked us to track our daily tasks in 2 minute increments. That is ridicilous and pile that ontop of computer problems and it just doesn't make things go so smoothly.

I finally purchased my new computer I've been talking about doing for a while.

This is the new set up in my room ! Kinda cramped but it will do for 3 months. I am getting rid of my laptop and trying out a desktop. It will be more or less the "family" computer.

Aside from a new computer, Reid and I got our own phone plan this weekend. For the past week, Reid had to leave his phone open, or the screen would freeze and he couldn't use his phone at all. It was kinda sad. But with our new phones came new numbers...

Reid: (913) 548-7630 Tara: (913) 548-7954

Last but not least Reid was in town this weekend for a (pre) birthday dinner with my family and marriage counseling. We both agreed that this was one of the better sessions we have had. All those books must be paying off.

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