Cooper Thomas: 19 Months

I'm not sure if I can start off this month with "sweet Cooper" because man have you been ornery and whiney lately. I think we've heard more crying these past few weeks tan we have the las 18 months! I hope it's just you figuring out your personality because I'm not sure how much longer we can take it. But on the flip side when you are Carson decide to play nicely with one another you guys have the best time! Carson loves that you are starting to talk more and I think that's why he's been a better 'friend' with you lately.

So about this talking. You seem to repeat or make an attempt to repeat anything we say and you have picked up so many words! You love seeing dogs when we are out and saying "hi" to everyone. You also love anything with wheels and know "truck," "bus," and "vroom" (car). Unlike your brother, you know when you are tired and happily run down the hall when I say it's time for bed. You finally are sitting still for books and you love to flip through them yourself too. You're favorite book to look at is anything with a "choo choo" on it. Recently you've also started babbling in sentences which is so cute! But what isn't cute is the attitude at meal time. For whatever reason you have started throwing your food and drink over the tray and just sitting there screaming while the rest of us finish eating. In an attempt to help with the behavior, we have you sitting at a table and chair now, which helps some but now you just get up and down and wander. I guess it's better than screaming! Your other obsession right now is wearing shoes around the house. Like you bring them to us anytime during the night and throw a fit if we don't put them on you (and no house shoes don't count). You also try to bring us our shoes to wear. Maybe it's because you love getting out of the house!

Picture by Carson

The past couple of days I've had to take a double take with you because you seem to be getting your big-boy look. While the attitude and constant crying has been driving us crazy, you still throw in those cute smirky smiles or your goofy personality and you melt our hearts. And lastly I have to share about your moose (and I'm not sure how I've forgotten about him before now). For your first birthday, daddy picked out this moose from Ikea. I can't remember when the "bond" officially started, but you LOVE this thing and especially his little nubby tail which you clinch your teeth around. A few times a week we have to go in to your room to lay you back straight in your crib and you cuddle your moose like he's the best friend you've ever had!

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