It's Official...

Reid got the official offer letter for the summer (and potentially fall) internship for the construction law firm! He is really excited and thinks this will give him lots of good experience. Congratulations!!!!

Last weekend, Gonzaga Law hosted Heidelberg, better known as "Law Prom," which was pretty fun. As Patti said, it looked like just another Sigma Chi or Chi Omega function : ) It's always nice to get dressed up and be served a "nice" dinner.

As most of you know, we have decided to stay in Spokane and let Reid finish school at Gonzaga. That means it is apartment hunting time. We have quickly realized that we were quite spoiled with our first place (great size and storage for the money) but our neighbors happily re-affirm our reasoning for moving quite often.

We have found a potential apartment and put in the application. Checking out one more place on Friday, but hopefully one of these will be our new home soon!

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