Just realized the other day that I haven't updated this thing in a while!! We haven't been up to a whole lot lately, but have lots of things planned for the future. Reid started his last semester of law school and thought it was going to be a breeze with only two classes. Well he is only a week in and busier than ever with the two classes, moot court practices, work, GJIL papers, patent bar studying and externing at the courthouse. While that doesn't sound like enough already, he still has to find time put in volunteer hours before graduation.
Tara is continuing her routine of work, workout and housewife (cooking way more dinners than I ever thought I would ;) and keeping the house clean). She recently started taking a gymnastics class which has been very enjoyable.
We ordered a new workout program to tackle called INSANITY: THE ASYLUM! It is a 30 athlete training program. We'll see how it goes...
We hope everyone is having a good start to 2012!!